Day Trips by Zafiris Tours
Fancy a day out? Arrange a 1-day trip or excursion with Zafiris Tours
"One day trips from Zafiris Tours"
Fancy a day out? Arrange a 1-day trip or excursion with Zafiris Tours
Below a list of our day trip that are currently arranged.
This page will be updated regularly with trips. Please check back soon or contact us at any time and ask us.
Below a list of our past day trips.
Maybe your are staying in Greece for a holiday and you would like to arrange a trip to see some of the wonderful places of interest in the Peloponnese. Maybe you are an organisation that have an outing once a year. If one of our current trips doesn't suit we will be very happy to give you some ideas and a quote for a custom-made one day group trip in the Peloponnese or anywhere in Greece.